Scientist are known to be the most learned people in the world and are always on the forefront of new discoveries. Since the ancient times scientists have brought up mind-blowing if not fascinating discoveries with origins explained. While some discoveries seem unusual, some are pretty awesome and may give us a break through history. From a new earth to giant squids, mysterious waters and new technologies, join us today as we unveil some of the Top 20 most recent amazing discoveries that will blow your mind.
1. Medical nano-machine
How awesome is it to get medicine in your body without being hurt? Well thanks to the scientists who for the first time in early 2015 delivered medicine to an animal via a Nano-machine. The microscopic machine delivered medicine into the body of a mouse and the procedure was noninvasive and left he mouse unhurt. This amazing discovery must indeed be a huge breakthrough in medicine because it might reduce the need for invasive surgical procedures in the future.
2.The googly squid
This is incredibly one of the cutest discoveries of 2016, the googly eyed squid. Discovered by researchers somewhere off the Californian coast near big sur, the creature was almost 3000feet beneath the surface. At first the squid looked familiar to them, but they later noticed the stubby squid looks like a cross between an octopus and a catfish. This mysterious discovery left scientists wondering how Mother Nature keeps surprising them and they couldn’t help themselves but accept the cuteness of their discovery.
3. New planet
A group of international scientists made an exciting discovery of what looked like a new dwarf planet orbiting a star outside our solar system. The planet is around 1.06 times larger than earth and making it very similar to our planet and it takes 125 single revolution to go around the sun. Although its not yet known what its chemical makeup is, This is nonetheless one of the top 5 most awesome and amazing scientific discoveries of all time and great facts about space. With the rise in global warming, we should consider living right on the new planet or what do you think?
10.Bionic lens
Look at this ultimate fact, of bionic lens that brings with it a superhuman vision! Invented by dr Garth webb of ocumetics technology corp, this revolutionary technology is said to have the ability to change the way humans perceive the world and few individuals who’ve already tried the lens claim that they now see even better than before. Well maybe this is a direction to a new era of super humans. And why not, if one is able to have three times better vision than a perfect eye, then this could be the way to go.
13. Robotic limbs
The concept of prosthetic limbs may not be new to us, but the recent discoveries of advanced robotic limbs is mind blowing. This is not just putting together a limb with great articulation, but producing a limb that people can actually control. Does it have its own iq? Well we are also wondering! And as part of a yearlong program at johns Hopkins University’s applied physics lab, johnny matheny, was the first person in the world to be made a robotic arm with skeletons that he can control with his mind.
16. Step towards quantum computers
Are you ready for the quantum computing revolution? Well this might sound like a reddit story but no! Quantum physics has already changed our lives and in 20017 intel, google , Microsoft and a number of other research institutes made a major breakthrough in quantum computing by building actual prototypes. They unveiled 22, 50, 51 and53 qubit machines. We are yet to see the actual applications of the quantum machines.
18. The epigenome
Epigenome is a multitude of chemical compounds that can tell the genome what to do. A human genome is a complete assembly of DNA structures that make each individual unique.Scientists have just finished reconstructing an accurate structure of epigenome phase 4.This new science discovery was made so that scientists can make more discoveries about genome expressions without which one can’t tell what kind of catastrophe would perform a genome.
Which of these most discoveries amazed you the most? Which one do you think would make a great historical impact? Share your thoughts in the comments box below.
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